Your neighbor.
Small business owner.
State Representative.
The New 157th District
The Pennsylvania Constitution requires the State House and State Senate districts be redrawn each decade after the federal census is completed.
In 2022 the 157th District was redrawn and now includes Easttown, Schuylkill, Tredyffrin & Willistown.
About Melissa
Melissa Shusterman was first elected to Pennsylvania’s 157th District in 2018. She is now serving her fourth term and her slogan continues to be “Common Sense Before Politics”.
Melissa’s core priorities include protecting women’s reproductive rights and access to healthcare, improving government accountability and transparency, pushing for gun control reform, promoting the humane treatment of animals, advocating for environmental sustainability, and improving equity in education.
Melissa serves on the Health, Judiciary, Liquor Control,Rules, State Government and Transportation committees.
Legislation that benefits her constituents is Melissa’s focus. During the current 2023-2024 House Session, she introduced 42 pieces of legislation and co-sponsored 29.
Melissa has worked to see several pieces of her legislation become law, be incorporated into the state budget, or be acted upon by the Governor’s administration. These include the expanded Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, ending taxpayer funding of crisis pregnancy centers, the creation of the Family Law Arbitration program, and a nursing home communications law.
Melissa will continue to advocate for impactful legislation that will benefit working families, senior citizens, students and the care workers of our Commonwealth.
In the Legislature, Melissa believes in bipartisan relationships. Among her caucus memberships, including the Women’s Health and Black Maternal Health Caucuses, she is a co-chair of the Taiwan Caucus, co-chair of the Autism and Intellectual Disabilities Caucus, and the founder and co-chair of the bicameral, bipartisan Animal Protection Caucus.
At home in the 157th district, serving her constituents is an important priority. Melissa works to ensure that state grant money benefits residents and communities. She has advocated for millions of dollars in infrastructure and other critical public benefit projects. Melissa’s constituent services staff in her district office are available to expertly serve residents with any manner of challenges.
Melissa is a graduate of Conestoga High School, Lafayette College, and American University. She currently resides in Schuylkill Township with her husband Hans. They have one son, Paris. Before her election to the General Assembly, Melissa was a small business owner and media producer.